Rotary 2024/25 – The Magic of Rotary

Jul 4, 2024 | News

July 1st marks the start of a Rotary year with many clubs passing the mantle between last years President and the incoming President. Our club is no exception.

The date also sees a change in Rotary theme as designated by the 2024/25 Rotary International World President Stephanie Urlich. The theme for 2024/25 is the “Magic of Rotary”.

Our outgoing President Rod Finch has been in the role for the last two years, a time that he has enjoyed. Having the support of a good Board and of the members makes this role an easy one to carry out he said.

The Club is doing something different this year, maybe following the lead of our current coalition Government, but hopefully without some of the challenges. This year four members will share the President role with each presiding a quarter of the year so their time in the role will no doubt pass very quickly.

President Rod was able to hand over the “chains” of office to Keith Walker who takes the first three months.

At Changeover, Secretary Liz presented Rod’s wife Lou with a living orchid to say thanks for her assistance during the past two years.

Majic of Rotary - 2024/25 Theme
Passing the Chain of Office from Outgoing President to Incoming President

Thanks Rod and Lou

Appreciation to Lou Finch for her support



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