Rotary Gearing Up for BOOKarama 2024

During 2024 our club will celebrate 50 years of service within the Bishopdale Burnside and greater Christchurch area. Throughout those 50 years we have held a number of fund raising projects from Raffles, Rugby Programme Selling at Lancaster Park, Gala Days to BBQ’s. However probably our most successful event has been our annual Book Sale.
Having surpassed over $1m in profits from BOOKarama that we have been able to return to the Community we are thrilled to announce that our 18th BOOKarama event BOOKarama 2024 will take place again in April this year.
Mark your calendars for this exciting event happening from Friday, April 26th to Sunday, April 28th, 2024. Our venue will again be at Bishopdale Recreation Centre at Bishopdale Mall (previously known as the YMCA Bishopdale), where the three-day sale will kick off each day at 10am.
Starting from mid-March, we will be accepting donated items including books, DVDs, records, CDs, and jigsaws at various locations throughout Christchurch. Those locations will be provided closer to that day. Please note that we don’t have the storage capacity to accept donations before this time.
As always, the funds raised from this event will contribute to our Rotary Youth and Community Projects. Recipients last year included Braintree and, the Cancer Society to name a couple.
Our passionate team of Rotarians, partners, and friends of Rotary are eagerly looking forward to welcoming you on April 26th, 27th, and 28th. Stay updated on any changes through our Facebook page or the BOOKarama 2024 website. Join us for a celebration of literature and giving back!

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